Who doesn’t like crepes? Light and fluffy, this French classic makes a delicious breakfast and an even better dessert. Crepes are also just as good for satisfying your savory cravings. Try them out breaded, deep-fried, and stuffed with ham and cheese. However, one of the greatest things about crepes is how little effort they require to make. Just pour a thin layer of batter on a hot frying pan, leave it to cook for a couple of minutes on each side, and voila — they’re all ready to serve.
But, how many times have you found yourself in a situation where you tried to flip a crepe without realizing that it might be a bit too early? It either stuck to the pan and was undercooked or it tore into several soggy pieces when you tried to flip it, leaving you with no other option than to toss it in the trash. What if there was a simple trick to help you pinpoint the perfect moment to flip your crepe? The secret lies in the details, so pay close attention to the moment when the crepe’s edges begin to pull away from the pan.
With crepes, timing is everything
Mastering the art of crepe-making can be a challenge. By now, you probably know that having the right pan is key to getting those perfectly tender, golden crepes you’ve been craving from the start. That’s why cleaning and taking care of your non-stick pan is a must before pouring the batter. Gordon Ramsay’s clever method for thin and crispy English pancakes might also come in handy and help you evenly swirl the batter around the pan.
The next step is to wait for up to two minutes for your crepe to be ready to flip. Remember, patience is key! You’ll know the right time has come when the edges turn light brown and slowly start lifting away from the pan. At this point, you’ll notice the batter becoming drier as its delicious, toasty aromas spread all over your kitchen.
When the moment of truth arrives, one way to flip your crepe is by sliding a spatula underneath to loosen it before quickly flipping it with your fingers. If you’re feeling a bit more confident that day, you could always give the one-handed flipping method a go by flicking the pan.
Finally, the last thing to do is grab your favorite toppings and then dig right in! Try some strawberry jam or good old Nutella if you’re craving something sweet. For a savory twist, don’t hesitate to get creative with cheese, bacon, pickles, or sour cream … the options are endless!