All types of exercise, particularly vigorous activity, enhance blood flow to the brain and oxygenate the brain structures.

Can 3 minutes of daily physical activity help you live longer?
Yes!,A medical director said It turns out that short bursts of strenuous movement lasting as little as three minutes can help you live longer. According to a research published in Nature Medicine, such brief bouts of exercise can lead to a 40% reduction in the risk of early mortality in people, even if they do not ordinarily exercise. The study compared vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) data from wearable devices to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer mortality data from the UK Biobank in 25,241 nonexercisers (mean age 61.8 years, 14,178 women/11,063 men).
It was also noted that, compared to participants who did not engage in VILPA, participants who engaged in VILPA at the sample median VILPA frequency of three length-standardised bouts per day showed a 38-40% reduction in all-cause and cancer mortality risk and a 48-49 percent reduction in CVD mortality risk over an average follow-up of 6.9 years, during which 852 deaths occurred.
Similar findings were observed among 62,344 UK Biobank exercise participants (1,552 fatalities, 35,290 women/27,054 males). “These findings suggest that moderate rates of intense nonexercise physical activity are linked with significantly decreased mortality.” “VILPA appears to elicit similar effects in nonexercisers as it does in exercisers, suggesting that VILPA may be a good physical activity target, particularly in persons who are unable or unwilling to exercise,” according to the research.
How many minutes of exercise to live longer?
Multiple previous research have found that frequent exercise, even if only a few minutes each week, is highly connected with increased lifespan.
Vigorous physical activity provides several health benefits. “All forms of exercise, but especially intense exercises, increase blood flow to the brain and oxygenate the frontal lobes,” the researchers write, adding that vigorous exercise, especially when compared to moderate levels of activity, can be an effective way to lose weight, primarily by reducing belly fat, improving glucose metabolism, and increasing cardio respiratory fitness. “People who exercise strenuously frequently had lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels”.
Which activities you should include in your daily exercise!
Other forms of activity include ascending a flight of stairs, vigorous walking, carrying shopping bags, actively playing with children or pets, and even gardening or housekeeping that needs rushing around.
Even basic exercises such as interval training and occasional stair climbing have demonstrated that VILPA bursts can last anywhere from 20 seconds to a few minutes.
When practised three to five times per day, these exercises can improve heart health, particularly in sedentary individuals, within a few weeks.
It is important to contact a cardiologist before engaging in any intense exercise, no matter how brief (three minutes or one minute), because some heart and lung disorders cannot withstand a rapid increase in heart rate.
The researchers also discovered that even persons who exercised benefited from these brief bursts of energy. When the researchers examined the data from over 62,000 participants who took at least some exercise, they discovered that brief bursts of intensive physical activity benefitted them roughly as much as non-exercisers. According to Stamatakis, the researchers did not independently evaluate data for the fittest persons in this study, but he believes that anyone might benefit from brief bursts of strong physical exercise, given that vigorous physical activity appears to be so helpful.
While this is an observational study, it is consistent with other studies that have shown that even brief bursts of strenuous physical exercise can enhance health, such as research on high-intensity interval training. Stamatakis cites a tiny 2017 research that found completing three 60-second bursts of strenuous exercise three times a week enhanced cardiovascular function within a few weeks.
How much exercise do you need a day to live longer?
Stamatakis thinks that his findings will inspire future experts drafting physical activity guidelines to consider urging individuals to think about how they might incorporate strenuous physical exercise into their everyday routines. Parking further away from your destination and then walking briskly for a few minutes, he says, is one method to get in a brief burst of strenuous exercise; another is to vigorously take the stairs or garden. Stamatakis says he’s been more diligent about getting strenuous activity during the day since performing this research, including by walking rapidly for a few minutes. “I’ve given up on elevators entirely,” he said.