Sexual dysfunction refers to problems with arousal, discomfort, orgasm, desire, or both, during sexual engagement. physical or psychological causes may be to blame for these problems.

Sexual health
Sexual health_Women may choose not to discuss their sexual health for a variety of reasons, ranging from pain and embarrassment to shame and, in some circumstances, a lack of information and education. In reality, many women may be unaware that they have a sexual health problem and do not know where to get help. “Healthcare providers must establish a compassionate, judgment-free atmosphere for women to freely address their concerns,” said Dr Prathima Reddy, director and head consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SPARSH Women and Children.
Women need to be aware of their sexual health and get help from any concern doctor if they experiencing any issues.The expert then listed four subjects that every woman should learn about.
Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
Sexual health_Vaginal, oral, and anal interactions are the three main ways that STIs are spread from one person to another. STIs may damage women and appear in many different ways.
A bacterial infection that, among other things, can result in stomach pain, a burning feeling when peeing, and atypical vaginal discharge.
Gonorrhea is a bacterial illness that can harm the womb, cervix, and fallopian tubes.
The human papillomavirus (HPV), a viral infection, can have an impact on the vulva, vagina, and cervix. Cervical cancer can be brought on by some HPV strains, while others can cause genital warts.
Trichomonasis, syphilis, genital herpes, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, human papillomavirus (HPV), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and other illnesses are among the various illnesses.
The urethra, cervix, and vagina can all get infected with the parasite trichomonas.
STIs may only seldom or never present with symptoms. Therefore, it is possible to be sick and not even be aware of it. In addition to genital ulcers, STIs frequently result in vaginal discharge, discharge from the penis, burning when passing urine, burning in the urethra in males, and stomach discomfort.
Sexually inappropriate
Sexual health_Sexual dysfunction refers to problems with arousal, discomfort, orgasm, desire, or both, during sexual engagement. These problems may be brought on by psychological or physical reasons. Vaginismus, an unintentional tightness of the vagina that can happen during sexual activity, tampon insertion, or gynaecological examinations, is one such issue to be aware of. Some of the causes of vaginismus may include prior sexual traumas including sexual abuse or rape, anxiety, uncertainty during sex, or other bad sensations connected to sex.
Another problem to be aware of is the discomfort experienced during sexual activity. By addressing any underlying medical or psychological problems, using lubricants or other items to lessen sex discomfort, and practising relaxation techniques, dyspareunia can be managed.
Unplanned conceptions or terminations
Sexual health_For many women, an unwanted pregnancy may be a cause of stress and worry. Those who choose to end their pregnancies should exercise some caution. To be able to have a safe termination, make sure to speak with a certified gynaecologist. It is unsafe to use over-the-counter termination pills after speaking with your “friendly pharmacist” because these medications are illegal in India. It’s crucial for a woman to look for herself after an abortion, both physically and emotionally. Watch careful for heavy bleeding and cramping just after the termination. Fever, chills, and cramping can signal an infection, albeit these are uncommon symptoms.
Dependable contraception
Sexual health_In addition to lowering the chance of STDs, using effective contraception can help prevent unintended births. Several ways of contraception are listed below.daily oral contraceptives that are to be used to prevent pregnancy IUDs are tiny, T-shaped contraceptives that are put into the uterus to prevent conception.
Methods for constructing barriers Other methods that prevent sperm from entering the uterus include condoms, cervical caps, and diaphragms.
Another essential factor to keep in mind is postpartum contraception. Pregnancies should not be spaced too tightly apart, according to Dr. Reddy. “It is typically advised to wait between 1.5 and 2 years before starting a second pregnancy. It is possible for women who are exclusively nursing to go six to nine months without getting their period, but this does not exclude them from getting pregnant. Although not entirely reliable, not getting your period because of lactational amenorrhea is a kind of reproductive prevention, according to Dr. Reddy.